A Chinese celebration

A Chinese celebration

Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo

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Deskripsi Buku

Without pleasing everybody the expectations of the public seem to have been reflected in President Yudhoyono s newly appointed cabinet Controversial figures have been kept away from strategic positions or even sidelined The members of the economic team for example have differing ideologies but are expected to be able to work together Likewise the legal and defense teams consist of people who are not exactly known to drive in the fast lane of total reform but seem to prefer staying in the slow lane The cabinet is a combination of people who have government experience and those with none This could be why it s called the United Indonesia Cabinet Tempo reports straight from the State Palace Without pleasing everybody, the expectations of the public seem to have been reflected in President Yudhoyono''s newly appointed cabinet. Controversial figures have been kept away from strategic positions, or even sidelined. The members of the economic team, for example, have differing ideologies, but are expected to be able to work together. ...

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