BIOCALCULUS CALCULUS PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR THE LIFE SCIENCES shows you how calculus relates to biology illustrating the topics of calculus with real life examples drawn from many areas of biology including genetics biomechanics medicine pharmacology physiology ecology epidemiology and evolution to name a few The text provides you with a sound knowledge of mathematics an understanding of the importance of mathematical arguments and a clear understanding of how these mathematical concepts and techniques are central in the life sciences BIOCALCULUS: CALCULUS, PROBABILITY, AND STATISTICS FOR THE LIFE SCIENCES shows you how calculus relates to biology, illustrating the topics of calculus with [real-life?] examples drawn from many areas of biology, including genetics, biomechanics, medicine, pharmacology, physiology, ecology, epidemiology, and evolution, to name a few. The text provides you with a sound ...knowledge of mathematics, an understanding of the importance of mathematical arguments, and a clear understanding of how these mathematical concepts and techniques are central in the life sciences.