Capital Markets and Financial Resource Mobilization in Developing Countries

Capital Markets and Financial Resource Mobilization in Developing Countries

Fatumah M.N. Nandago

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Capital Markets are a specialized area but of fundamental importance to the functioning of the economy Relatively few people have a clear understanding of the important role they play in the economy And even fewer have an in depth knowledge of the different components of our market system This explains why the book addresses issues of concern for the entire economy and the financial sector in particular as a way of providing a clear link between the market and those other component of the economy Maintaining and further developing this understanding is essential for making policy recommendations that enable the Capital Market to fulfill its role to economic growth and prosperity of developing countries The title of this book was specifically chosen to satisfy the interest of the author The book seeks to clarify the position and the role of capital markets in an economy as related to growth and development through financial resource mobilization In this text resource mobilization refers to the ability of the capital markets or stock exchanges to pool and gather financial resources money from the various sources remote or otherwise local or across national boundaries towards a consortium of investors or economic entities with the potential to efficiently allocate these resources to stimulate growth of business to cause progress and eventually stir development within the entire economy The emphasis has been put on growth in an economy because growth constitutes a major underlying policy objective in most countries whether developed or developing A careful scrutiny of policy manuals like Master Vision of most developing economies as well as global agendas like the Millennium Development Goals MDGs the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs and many others will show that steady positive changes in the welfare and standard of living of citizens is the single underlying factor that guides governments in all that is done in the past present and in future This text therefore tries to describe the position and role of the stock exchanges in this regard Capital Markets are a specialized area but of fundamental importance to the functioning of the economy. Relatively few people have a clear understanding of the important role they play in the economy. And even fewer have an in depth knowledge of the different components of our market system. This explains why the ...

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