Classroom Teaching Skills

Classroom Teaching Skills


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Designed for beginning teachers CLASSROOM TEACHING SKILLS Tenth Edition conceptualizes the effective teacher as a reflective decision maker responsible for planning implementing evaluating and making management decisions in the classroom Each chapter considers a particular teaching skill first discussing the theory behind it and then presenting you with practice situations in which knowledge about the skill can be applied and evaluated The Tenth Edition continues to address the importance of core InTASC standards matched with learning objectives for each chapter while incorporating more extensive coverage on technology Common Core State Standards and working with English Language Learners In addition new Voices from the Classroom and Case Study features as well as the popular TeachSource Videos help you better understand the issues you may encounter as a teacher Available with InfoTrac Student Collections http gocengage com infotrac Designed for beginning teachers, CLASSROOM TEACHING SKILLS, Tenth Edition, conceptualizes the effective teacher as a "reflective decision maker," responsible for planning, implementing, evaluating, and making management decisions in the classroom. Each chapter considers a particular teaching skill, first discussing the theory behind it, and then presenting you with practice situations in ...

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