Color Me

Color Me

Edward Zrudlo

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Deskripsi Buku

In the midst of researching the life cycle of the solar system Ms Cooper s students start talking about aliens and blue skin This leads to a much larger discussion Talking about skin color starts them thinking about designs people from different cultures have made on their bodies The students imagine their own designs on themselves What will everybody choose Translate Di tengah penelitian siklus hidup tata surya siswa Ms Cooper mulai berbicara tentang alien dan kulit biru Hal ini mengarah pada diskusi yang jauh lebih besar Berbicara tentang warna kulit membuat mereka berpikir tentang desain yang dibuat oleh orang orang dari budaya berbeda pada tubuh mereka Para siswa membayangkan desain mereka sendiri Apa yang akan dipilih semua orang In the midst of researching the life cycle of the solar system, Ms. Cooper’s students start talking about aliens and blue skin. This leads to a much larger discussion. Talking about skin color starts them thinking about designs people from different cultures have made on their bodies. The students imagine their ...

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