Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

Comparative Criminal Justice Systems


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With its innovative topical approach bestselling COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS 5e offers a comprehensive yet succinct analysis as it compares the various criminal justice systems throughout the world using six model countries China England France Germany Japan and Saudi Arabia The text illustrates the different types of law and justice systems while exploring the historical political economic social and cultural influences on each This unique approach examines important aspects of each type of justice system common law civil law socialist law and sacred Islamic law to equip you with a thorough understanding of the similarities and differences of each system without overloading you with too much information Completely up to date the Fifth Edition includes the latest trends and issues in international juvenile justice policing and terrorism including expanded coverage of such high profile topics as human trafficking Internet pornography identity theft transnational policing and more With its innovative topical approach, bestselling COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS, 5e offers a comprehensive yet succinct analysis as it compares the various criminal justice systems throughout the world using six model countries: China, England, France, Germany, Japan, and Saudi Arabia. The text illustrates the different types of law and justice systems ...

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