Crafting Research Articles : Insights from Corpus-Based Genre Analysis

Crafting Research Articles : Insights from Corpus-Based Genre Analysis

Dr. Udi Samanhudi

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This book highlights the role of corpus based genre analysis as a research approach aiming to understand how a genre of research article is written Corpus based genre analysis involves the systematic study of language use within specific genres through large collections of texts known as corpora This approach allows researchers to uncover the conventions rhetorical strategies and linguistic features that characterize successful academic writing By analyzing these patterns we gain insights into the structure and style that distinguish different types of research articles providing invaluable guidance for both novice and experienced scholars This book highlights the role of corpus-based genre analysis as a research approach aiming to understand how a genre of research article is written. Corpus-based genre analysis involves the systematic study of language use within specific genres through large collections of texts, known as corpora. This approach allows researchers to uncover ...

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