Developing Educational Game

Developing Educational Game

Ariesto Hadi Sutopo

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How many times you can play the game and of course it will always be different Also with each game it is unknown and it is uncertain who will win the game It is the uncertainty and the unknown that makes the game so interesting and fun several kinds of game development methods have in common namely analysis design production launch and evaluation This book is a guide for those who want to improve themselves in the development of educational games for various fields such as education entertainment and others Learning in various subjects using these games is not boring for students By mastering this material it is hoped that you will be able to complete work related to the development of game based learning This book is a guide for those who want to improve themselves in the development of educational games for various fields such as education entertainment and others Learning in various subjects using these games is not boring for students By mastering this material it is hoped that you will be able to complete work related to the development of game based learning How many times you can play the game, and of course it will always be different. Also, with each game it is unknown and it is uncertain who will win the game. It is the uncertainty and the unknown that makes the game so interesting and fun. several kinds of game ...

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