Empowerment Series: Essential Research Methods for Social Work

Empowerment Series: Essential Research Methods for Social Work

Allen Rubin; Earl R. Babbie

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Reader friendly and clear Rubin and Babbie s concise and social work specific research methods text provides you with the tools you need to understand the essential content for the course Illustrations and examples throughout show you how you can apply research to practice Outlines introductions boxed features chapter endings with main points review questions and exercises and Internet exercises provide you with the information and practice you need to succeed in the course As part of the Cengage Empowerment Series ESSENTIAL RESEARCH METHODS FOR SOCIAL WORK 4th Edition thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards EPAS set by the Council on Social Work Education CSWE Reader friendly and clear, Rubin and Babbie's concise and social work-specific research methods text provides you with the tools you need to understand the essential content for the course. Illustrations and examples throughout show you how you can apply research to practice. Outlines, introductions, boxed features, chapter endings with main points, ...

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