Empowerment Series: Understanding Generalist Practice

Empowerment Series: Understanding Generalist Practice

Kirst-Ashman; Hull

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Organized around the coherent and cohesive Generalist Intervention Model this guide to generalist social work practice incorporates the knowledge skills and professional values needed to work with individuals and families as well as the foundation to work with groups communities and organizations Updated with new material on empathy interdisciplinary collaboration working with LGBTQ clients and clients with disabilities and other topics the book focuses on micro levels of social work practice while also discussing the interrelationship among the micro mezzo and macro levels Part of the Brooks Cole Empowerment Series UNDERSTANDING GENERALIST PRACTICE 8th Edition clearly identifies content related to the latest Council on Social Work Education CSWE Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards EPAS with icons throughout the text Learning objectives correlated to chapter headings and summaries guide students reading and reinforce their understanding Organized around the coherent and cohesive Generalist Intervention Model, this guide to generalist social work practice incorporates the knowledge, skills, and professional values needed to work with individuals and families, as well as the foundation to work with groups, communities, and organizations. Updated with new material on empathy, interdisciplinary collaboration, working ...

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