English For Media Study Writing Materials (Developed based on Genre Based Approach)

English For Media Study Writing Materials (Developed based on Genre Based Approach)

Asih Rosnaningsih, M.Pd dan Dayu Retno Puspita, M.Pd

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This book is a translation of advanced English learning that specifically discusses the theory students need in writing practice of English This book contains materials related to the Genre Based Approach presented in four sections in each chapter Building Knowledge of the Text Modelling the Text Joint Construction of the Text and Individual Construction of the Text The contents of this book is made to improve and add more detailed materials related to various genres of the texts report argumentative narrative etc so that students will be easier to applied the contents of this book in the writing process The authors would like to extend their gratitude to Ministry of Research and Technology National Agency for Research and Innovation who has provided research grants for beginner lecturers PDP Furthermore thank you to the chairman and staff of LP3M Muhammadiyah University of Tangerang who have facilitated this activity and guided this research from the preparation of proposals to research reports This book is a translation of advanced English learning that specifically discusses the theory students need in writing practice of English. This book contains materials related to the Genre Based Approach presented in four sections in each chapter: Building Knowledge of the Text, Modelling the Text, Joint Construction of the Text, ...

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