Experiments in General Chemistry: Inquiry and Skill Building

Experiments in General Chemistry: Inquiry and Skill Building

Williamson; Peck; McCann

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In this Third Edition of EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY INQUIRY AND SKILL BUILDING Vickie Williamson and Kathleen McCann draw on their years of experience in the classroom and laboratory to provide carefully crafted experiments to complement any general chemistry curriculum Three types of lab experiments lead to deeper student understanding Skill Building experiments that develop techniques and demonstrate previously developed concepts Guided Inquiry experiments that direct students to collect data on variables and guide them to look for patterns in the data and Open Inquiry experiments that allow students to apply concepts or relationships in a new setting The manual s 31 experiments feature prelab exercises and post lab questions The latest edition can be reviewed and customized at http compose cengage com In this Third Edition of EXPERIMENTS IN GENERAL CHEMISTRY: INQUIRY AND SKILL BUILDING, Vickie Williamson and Kathleen McCann draw on their years of experience in the classroom and laboratory, to provide carefully crafted experiments to complement any general chemistry curriculum. Three types of lab experiments lead to deeper student understanding: Skill ...

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