Fluid Mechanics In Si Units

Fluid Mechanics In Si Units

Yunus A Çengel; John M Cimbala

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xxi PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge with appreciation the numerous and valuable comments suggestions constructive criticisms and praise from the following evaluators and reviewers Bass Abushakra Milwaukee School of Engineering John G Cherng University of MichiganDearborn Peter Fox Arizona State University Sathya Gangadbaran Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Jonathan Istok Oregon State University Tim Lee McGill University Nagy Nosseir San Diego State University Robert Spall Utah State University We also thank those who were acknowledged in the first second and third editions of this book but are too numerous to mention again here The authors are particularly grateful to Mehmet Kanolu of University of Gaziantep for his valuable contributions particularly his modifications of end of chapter problems his editing and updating of the solutions manual and his critical review of the entire manuscript We also thank Tahsin Engin of Sakarya University and Suat Canbazolu of Inonu University for contributing several end of chapter problems and Mohsen Hassan Vand for reviewing the book and pointing out a number of errors Finally special thanks must go to our families especially our wives Zehra engel and Suzanne Cimbala for their continued patience understanding and support throughout the preparation of this book which involved many long hours when they had to handle family concerns on their own because their husbands faces were glued to a computer screen Publishers are also thankful to the following faculty members for critically reviewing the manuscripts Lajpat Rai YMCA Faridabad Masood Ahmed MACET Bihar Manoj Langhi ITRAM Gujarat Yunus A engel John M Cimbalaxxi PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to acknowledge with appreciation the numerous and valuable comments, suggestions, constructive criticisms, and praise from the following evaluators and reviewers: Bass Abushakra Milwaukee School of Engineering John G. Cherng University of MichiganDearborn Peter Fox Arizona State University Sathya Gangadbaran Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Jonathan ...

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