General English 1

General English 1

Dr. Siti Mariyanah, M.Pd.; Aris Fuadi, S.S., M.Pd.; Eva Agistiawati, S.S., M.Pd.

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Deskripsi Buku

General English I one contains 14 chapters to explain kinds of general topics Every chapter consists of components completely it s one of grammar It will not only create sentences correctly but will also make it easier to improve communication skills in both spoken and written English English grammar rules arrange vocabulary and make meaningful expressions They play an important role in learning English Although in Indonesia English is foreign language but all people in the world will need to understand because it s international language It has many functions such as business economics politics law and so forth The great thing on learning English grammar is that students don t have to start with the most complex rules but it is started from basic grammar rulers The materials are designed to assist students for communication making article presentation speech etc by this superiority hopefully lecturers and students use this book in the learning English General English I (one) contains 14 chapters to explain kinds of general topics. Every chapter consists of components completely, it’s one of grammar. It will not only create sentences correctly but will also make it easier to improve communication skills in both spoken and written English. English grammar rules arrange vocabulary ...

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978-623-190-441-6 (j

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