Geology: Earth in Perspective, Third Edition

Geology: Earth in Perspective, Third Edition

Reed Wicander; James S. Monroe

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Developed with a student tested faculty approved process Wicander Monroe s Geology Earth in Perspective 3rd edition brings geology to life for science majors and non majors alike Comprehensive yet succinct it delivers a complete overview of introductory geology in an engaging reader friendly presentation Updates to the third edition include Dozens of critical thinking figure questions Learning objectives correlated to chapter subsections New end of chapter sections with Key Concepts Review Important Terms Review Questions and Creative Thinking Visual Questions A new and improved art program which features unparalleled process art and diagrams to help students grasp complex physical processes and 124 new photos The revised text incorporates the latest examples case studies and data including natural disasters renewable energy new insight on paleoseismology sustainability and updated dating techniques that more accurately identify historic climate change periods GEO FOCUS boxes spotlight issues straight from the headlines and economic and environmental geology topics are integrated throughout Developed with a "student tested, faculty approved" process, Wicander/Monroe''s Geology: Earth in Perspective, 3rd edition, brings geology to life for science majors and non-majors alike. Comprehensive yet succinct, it delivers a complete overview of introductory geology in an engaging, reader-friendly presentation. Updates to the third edition include: Dozens of critical thinking ...

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