Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik

Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik


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This intermediate modular approach to German grammar serves as both a reference handbook and a practice manual There are a total of 30 chapters The 24 regular chapters provide a presentation of new information followed by material for oral and written practice Grammatik grammar Wortschatz vocabulary bungen exercises self practice and small group practice Anwendung application in class group activities Schriftliche Themen writing topics and Zusammenfassung summary The six remaining reference chapters consist of grammar presentations through explanations models and charts and bersicht summary This intermediate, modular approach to German grammar serves as both a reference handbook and a practice manual. There are a total of 30 chapters. The 24 regular chapters provide a presentation of new information, followed by material for oral and written practice: Grammatik (grammar), Wortschatz (vocabulary), Ãœbungen (exercises, self-practice, and small-group ...

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