Indonesian Government Strategy in Realizing Maritime Security Through Open Ship Sinking Policies (2014-2017)

Indonesian Government Strategy in Realizing Maritime Security Through Open Ship Sinking Policies (2014-2017)

Syarifurohmat Pratama Santoso

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The policy of openly sinking ships is one of the leading policies owned by President Joko Widodo through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in his first term 2014 2019 This policy combines several aspects with the aim of succeeding the President s vision and mission at that time Led by Minister Susi Pudjiastuti this policy is an example for coastal countries to combat the practice of Illegal Unreported and Unregulated IUU Fishing Indonesia at that time became one of the countries that suffered the most from the practice of IUU Fishing However this policy has been adapted to national interests and careful consideration from the aspects of diplomacy security economy and defense Even from the Intelligence aspect this policy appears to be able to increase the deterrence effect of the Indonesian Government s existence in its own territory Apart from that from other aspects such as the economy it can be seen that this policy has had a domino effect of increasing the people s economy especially in the frontier remote and underdeveloped coastal areas The policy of openly sinking ships is one of the leading policies owned by President Joko Widodo through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in his first term (2014-2019). This policy combines several aspects with the aim of succeeding the President’s vision and mission at that time. Led by Minister ...

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