Issues In Applied Linguistics: Research & Practice

Issues In Applied Linguistics: Research & Practice

Santri E P Djahimo; dkk

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Issues in Applied Linguistics Research Practice is a reference book in the form of book chapter consists of 15 articles related to the area of applied linguistics As a book chapter this book contains a selection of papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Language Education and Social Sciences ICLESS 2020 held in Kupang East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia All these writings have generally incorporated several identifiable of its major branches such as language teaching and evaluation literacies pragmatics forensic linguistics and translation The main aim of this book is to provide insightful information for all readers whose concern is in the fields of ELT language and linguistic science literature and translation It covers various interesting issues related to the field of Applied Linguistics such as preparing qualified ELT teachers of tomorrow a case of Indonesian ELT teachers analysis of literatures and teacher s experiences on large size classroom management in noncrisis and during COVID 19 pandemic crisis situations the difficulties of translation faced by translators in NGO developing educational video using project based learning for teaching English in elementary school forensic linguistic study of makian verb on Dawan language in Dawan tribe speech community and many others It is expected that this book can reach as many readers as possible Issues in Applied Linguistics: Research & Practice is a reference book in the form of book chapter consists of 15 articles related to the area of applied linguistics. As a book chapter, this book contains a selection of papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Language, Education, and Social Sciences (ICLESS) ...

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