Jack Pan

Jack Pan

Jason Wilburn; Casey Kim

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Jack and Bella face their old enemy Dark Dark is an evil wizard and he wants the children s magic crystals He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks Jack reads the book Peter Pan Now he s inside the book Can Jack escape or will he be Peter Pan forever Translate Jack dan Bella menghadapi musuh lama mereka Dark Dark adalah penyihir jahat dan dia menginginkan kristal ajaib milik anak anak Dia berencana menjebak Jack dan Bella di dalam buku cerita ajaib Jack membaca buku Peter Pan Sekarang dia ada di dalam buku itu Bisakah Jack melarikan diri atau dia akan menjadi Peter Pan selamanya Jack and Bella face their old enemy, Dark. Dark is an evil wizard, and he wants the children’s magic crystals. He plans to trap Jack and Bella inside magic storybooks. Jack reads the book, Peter Pan. Now, he’s inside the book. Can Jack escape, or will he be Peter Pan forever? Translate: (Jack ...

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Koleksi lain dari Jason Wilburn; Casey Kim

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