Keyboarding and Word Processing Complete Course Lessons 1-110

Keyboarding and Word Processing Complete Course Lessons 1-110


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Get ready for academic and workplace success This comprehensive learning package integrates keyboarding essential and advanced word processing document formatting and design and communication skills within a single text along with a strong emphasis on honing skills by competing projects in a realistic office environment Using Microsoft Word 2016 you will format advanced business correspondence tables reports mail merge files graphics and a broad range of common document types including meeting travel news legal medical and human resources employment The text includes 15 modular projects and three comprehensive projects to help you apply what you learn and prepare to be productive from day one when beginning your professional career Combined with Skills Assessment Manager SAM the text makes learning even easier and more effective allowing you work independently from anywhere Get ready for academic and workplace success! This comprehensive learning package integrates keyboarding, essential and advanced word processing, document formatting and design, and communication skills within a single text, along with a strong emphasis on honing skills by competing projects in a realistic office environment. Using Microsoft® Word 2016, you will ...

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