Combining powerful examples with the latest research available MEDIA EFFECTS RESEARCH A BASIC OVERVIEW 5e helps you understand the true impact of media today Through an engaging personal narrative style the author presents media theories in the context of current research findings giving you a comprehensive introduction to mass media s effects on society The text clearly explains how the effects of mass media are measured and what the latest research has concluded about media s influence on our lives The Fifth Edition includes cutting edge coverage of electronic media s effects on sleep displacement TV viewing and obesity research media violence emotions in cooperative video game play first vs second order cultivation agenda setting theory research new media s effects on imitative suicides Internet use statistics screen time and face to face interaction multitasking and much more In addition Study Boxes expand on research findings methods or theories giving you an in depth look at media effects information in real world practice Combining powerful examples with the latest research available, MEDIA EFFECTS RESEARCH: A BASIC OVERVIEW, 5e, helps you understand the true impact of media today. Through an engaging personal narrative style, the author presents media theories in the context of current research findings, giving you a comprehensive introduction to mass media's effects ...on society. The text clearly explains how the effects of mass media are measured and what the latest research has concluded about media's influence on our lives. The Fifth Edition includes cutting-edge coverage of electronic media's effects on sleep displacement, TV viewing and obesity research, media violence, emotions in cooperative video game play, first- vs. second-order cultivation, agenda-setting theory research, new media's effects on imitative suicides, Internet use statistics, screen time and face-to-face interaction, multitasking, and much more. In addition, Study Boxes expand on research findings, methods, or theories-giving you an in-depth look at media effects information in real-world practice.