Microteaching In Digital Era Theory And Practice

Microteaching In Digital Era Theory And Practice

Ikhfi Imaniah; M Abduh Al Manar

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Teachers and Tecahing Book with the title Microteaching In Digital Era Theory And Practice create by Ikhfi Imaniah and M Abduh Al Manar This book Microteaching in Digital Era Theory and Practice is reference book for teachers and trainee teachers who will implement the concept of professional teaching in the classroom by designing the lesson plan interactive learning media and developing teaching skills particularly in digital age This microteaching book helps trainee teachers to improve both contents and methods of teaching and develop spesific teaching skills such as questioning the use of examples and simple artifacts to make lessons more interesting using effective reinforcement techniques introducing and closing lessons effectively Teachers and Tecahing Book with the title Microteaching In Digital Era Theory And Practice create by Ikhfi Imaniah and M. Abduh Al Manar. This book, Microteaching in Digital Era: Theory and Practice, is reference book for teachers and trainee teachers who will implement the concept of professional teaching in the classroom ...

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