Modern Diesel Technology

Modern Diesel Technology

Sean Bennett

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MODERN DIESEL TECHNOLOGY DIESEL ENGINES Second Edition provides a thorough reader friendly introduction to diesel engine theory construction operation and service Combining a simple straightforward writing style ample illustrations and step by step instruction this trusted text helps aspiring technicians develop the knowledge and skills they need to service modern computer controlled diesel engines The text provides an overview of essential topics such as shop safety tools and equipment engine construction and operation major engine systems and general service and repair concepts Dedicated chapters then explore engine fuel and vehicle computer control subsystems as well as diesel emissions Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest technology trends and techniques including current ASE Education Foundation standards the Second Edition provides an accurate up to date introduction to modern diesel engines and a solid foundation for professional success MODERN DIESEL TECHNOLOGY: DIESEL ENGINES, Second Edition, provides a thorough, reader-friendly introduction to diesel engine theory, construction, operation, and service. Combining a simple, straightforward writing style, ample illustrations, and step-by-step instruction, this trusted text helps aspiring technicians develop the knowledge and skills they need to service modern, computer-controlled diesel engines. The ...

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