Moth Madness

Moth Madness

Jason Wilburn; Casey Kim

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The moths have come to Jack and Bella s house They re hiding in the windows They re in the cabinets They re even in Dad s coffee Where did they come from Why are they here With Popup s help Jack and Bella will try to find out Translate Ngengat telah datang ke rumah Jack dan Bella Mereka bersembunyi di jendela Mereka ada di lemari Mereka bahkan ada di kopi Ayah Dari mana asalnya Kenapa mereka disini Dengan bantuan Popup Jack dan Bella akan mencoba mencari tahu The moths have come to Jack and Bella’s house! They’re hiding in the windows. They’re in the cabinets. They’re even in Dad’s coffee! Where did they come from? Why are they here? With Popup’s help, Jack and Bella will try to find out. Translate: (Ngengat telah datang ke rumah Jack dan Bella! ...

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Koleksi lain dari Jason Wilburn; Casey Kim

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