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Edward Zrudlo

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Deskripsi Buku

On the students trip to Mr Eddy s Fabularium Hunter has struggled with obeying the rules especially about rushing ahead When his cousin Tess rushes into the flower garden Hunter gets mad Why does he have to follow the rules but Tess doesn t Hopefully Mr Eddy can explain it in time for Hunter to see the butterflies Translate Dalam perjalanan para siswa ke Fabularium Pak Eddy Hunter kesulitan mematuhi peraturan terutama dalam terburu buru Saat sepupunya Tess bergegas ke taman bunga Hunter marah Kenapa dia harus mengikuti aturan tapi Tess tidak Semoga Pak Eddy bisa menjelaskannya tepat pada waktunya agar Hunter bisa melihat kupu kupu tersebut On the students’ trip to Mr. Eddy’s Fabularium, Hunter has struggled with obeying the rules, especially about rushing ahead. When his cousin Tess rushes into the flower garden, Hunter gets mad. Why does he have to follow the rules but Tess doesn’t? Hopefully Mr. Eddy can explain it in time for ...

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