WALKTHROUGH xxvi Practice Exams The Practice Exams are designed to allow students to see how well they understand the material using a format that is similar to what they might see in an exam This feature includes many straightforward review questions but also has a selection that tests for mastery and integration application level understanding i e the kind of questions that make an exam challenging The practice exams include short answers at the bottom so students can see how well they have answered the questions Practice Exam Answer the following questions Answers are listed at the end of this section 1 The queuing models assume that customers are served in what order 2 Consider two identical queuing systems except for the service time distribution In the first system the service time is random and Poisson distributed The service time is constant in the second system How would the waiting time differ in the two systems 3 What is the average utilization of the servers in a system that has three servers On average 15 customers arrive every 15 minutes It takes a server exactly three minutes to wait on each customer 4 What is the expected waiting time for the system described in question 3 5 Firms that desire high service levels where customers have short wait times should target server utilization levels at no more than this percentage 6 In most cases if a firm increases its service capacity by 10 percent it would expect waiting times to be reduced by what percentage Assume customer arrivals and service times are random 7 An ice cream stand has a single window and one employee to serve customers During their busy season 30 customers arrive each hour on average It takes 1 5 minutes on average to serve a customer What is the utilization of the employee 8 How long would customers have to wait in line on average at the ice cream shop discussed in question 7 9 Random service times can be modeled by this 10 A bank teller takes 2 4 minutes on average to serve a customer What would be the hourly service rate used in the queuing formulas 11 There are three teller windows in the bank described in the prior question On average 60 customers per hour arrive at the bank What will be the average number of customers in line at the bank Answers to Practice Exam 1 First come first served 2 Waiting time in the first system is two times the second 3 100 4 Infinite 5 7080 6 Greater than 10 7 75 8 075 hours or 4 5 minutes 9 Exponential distribution 10 25 customers per hour 11 2 5888 from Exhibit 10 9 WALKTHROUGH xxvi Practice Exams The Practice Exams are designed to allow students to see how well they understand the material using a format that is similar to what they might see in an exam. This feature includes many straightforward review questions, but also has a selection that tests for mastery and ...integration/application level understanding, i.e., the kind of questions that make an exam challenging. The practice exams include short answers at the bottom so students can see how well they have answered the questions. Practice Exam Answer the following questions. Answers are listed at the end of this section. 1. The queuing models assume that customers are served in what order? 2. Consider two identical queuing systems except for the service time distribution. In the first system, the service time is random and Poisson distributed. The service time is constant in the second system. How would the waiting time differ in the two systems? 3. What is the average utilization of the servers in a system that has three servers? On average, 15 customers arrive every 15 minutes. It takes a server exactly three minutes to wait on each customer. 4. What is the expected waiting time for the system described in question 3? 5. Firms that desire high service levels where customers have short wait times should target server utilization levels at no more than this percentage. 6. In most cases, if a firm increases its service capacity by 10 percent, it would expect waiting times to be reduced by what percentage? Assume customer arrivals and service times are random. 7. An ice cream stand has a single window and one employee to serve customers. During their busy season, 30 customers arrive each hour, on average. It takes 1.5 minutes, on average, to serve a customer. What is the utilization of the employee? 8. How long would customers have to wait in line, on average, at the ice cream shop discussed in question 7? 9. Random service times can be modeled by this. 10. A bank teller takes 2.4 minutes, on average, to serve a customer. What would be the hourly service rate used in the queuing formulas? 11. There are three teller windows in the bank described in the prior question. On average, 60 customers per hour arrive at the bank. What will be the average number of customers in line at the bank? Answers to Practice Exam 1. First come, first served 2. Waiting time in the first system is two times the second. 3. 100% 4. Infinite 5. 7080% 6. Greater than 10% 7. 75% 8. .075 hours, or 4.5 minutes 9. Exponential distribution 10. 25 customers per hour 11. 2.5888 (from Exhibit 10.9)