One of the most comprehensive and yet accessible texts on the market PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE COMPLETE A TEXT ON TRADITIONAL PROBLEMS AND SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT Second Edition is updated to include current developments in this complex field of study This volume consists of two parts Book I deals with traditional problems in the philosophy of science logic explanation and epistemology Book II presents various schools and systems of thought from the philosophy of science Prominently featured are rationalism empiricism logical positivism and constructivism The text offers both breadth and depth but is written in clear and straightforward language making it appropriate for philosophy of science courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels One of the most comprehensive and yet accessible texts on the market, PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE COMPLETE: A TEXT ON TRADITIONAL PROBLEMS AND SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT, Second Edition is updated to include current developments in this complex field of study. This volume consists of two parts: Book I deals with traditional problems the philosophy of science: logic, explanation, and epistemology. Book II presents various schools and systems of thought from the philosophy of science. Prominently featured are: rationalism, empiricism, logical positivism and constructivism. The text offers both breadth and depth, but is written in clear and straightforward language, making it appropriate for philosophy of science courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.