Present Bahasa Indonesia Transitive Pattern of Clause Organization is a description of the transitive pattern of clause organization in Bahasa Indonesia as used among Indonesians nowadays The description uses the systemic functional linguistic approach postulated by M A K Halliday 1967 Recommended references of the introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics are among others Halliday 1985 An Introduction to Functional Grammar London Edward Arnold Ltd Halliday and Matthiessen 2004 An Introduction to Functional Grammar Third Edition London Hodder Education The systemic functional linguistic approach demands the description of a language in its own terms considering linguistic form in terms of what it achieves in its cultural context and delaying any assumptions about grammatical categories It perceives transitivity in terms of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations in the clause and not the classification of verbs as transitive and intransitive The transitive pattern of clause organization shows that Present Bahasa Indonesia realizes meaning through the processes of doing material processes sensing mental processes being relational processes saying verbal processes and existing existential processes These five types of process are systemically distinguished from each other in terms of the experiential meaning the number and nature of participants associated with the process the markers used for other participants and circumstances the receptive potentialities of the process the presence or absence of Process the type and affixes forming Process and the affixes used to identify the Given
Present Bahasa Indonesia: Transitive Pattern of Clause Organization is a description of the transitive pattern of clause organization in Bahasa Indonesia as used among Indonesians nowadays. The description uses the systemic functional linguistic approach postulated by M.A.K. Halliday (1967). Recommended references of the introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics are among others:
Halliday ...(1985) An Introduction to Functional Grammar, London: Edward Arnold Ltd.,
Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) An Introduction to Functional Grammar, Third Edition, London: Hodder Education.
The systemic functional linguistic approach demands the description of a language in its own terms: considering linguistic form in terms of what it achieves in its cultural context and delaying any assumptions about grammatical categories. It perceives transitivity in terms of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations in the clause, and not the classification of verbs as ‘transitive’ and ‘intransitive’.
The transitive pattern of clause organization shows that Present Bahasa Indonesia realizes meaning through the processes of doing (material processes), sensing (mental processes), being (relational processes), saying (verbal processes), and existing (existential processes). These five types of process are systemically distinguished from each other in terms of the experiential meaning, the number and nature of participants associated with the process, the markers used for other participants and circumstances, the receptive potentialities of the process, the presence or absence of Process, the type and affixes forming Process, and the affixes used to identify the Given.