Principles of Modern Chemistry

Principles of Modern Chemistry

David W. Oxtoby; H.P. Gillis; Laurie J. Butler

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Develop a deep conceptual understanding of chemistry with PRINCIPLES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY the textbook that continues to set the standard as the most modern chemically and mathematically accurate text on the market Packed with worked examples and exercises and mathematically accurate molecular art and integrated with the 1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry the book is designed throughout to help you succeed in the course In addition end of chapter study aids focus on only the most important key objectives equations and concepts to make it easy for you to locate chapter content and new applications to a wide range of disciplines such as biology chemical engineering biochemistry and medicine give you a fascinating look at chemistry s uses beyond the classroom Develop a deep conceptual understanding of chemistry with PRINCIPLES OF MODERN CHEMISTRY, the textbook that continues to set the standard as the most modern, chemically and mathematically accurate text on the market. Packed with worked examples and exercises and mathematically accurate molecular art--and integrated with the #1 online homework and tutorial ...

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