Psychology of Literature In English and Indonesian Literary Works

Psychology of Literature In English and Indonesian Literary Works

Drs. Nuri Fainudin, M.Hum.

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The relation between psychology and literature is a bilateral relation Human s soul makes the literature and literature nourishes human s soul Human s psychical receptions take into consideration the human and natural life perspectives and provides references of literal works on the other hand literature also take into account the life s truths to make clear the perspectives of human s soul Literature and psychology both pay attention to fancy thinks feelings sensations and soul psychical issues Past writers and poets by detecting unwilling conscience psychical unwilling and reflecting many of psychical contention had found the meaning of this problem in their works The relation between psychology and literature is a bilateral relation. Human’s soul makes the literature and literature nourishes human’s soul. Human’s psychical receptions take into consideration the human and natural life perspectives and provides references of literal works; on the other hand, literature also take into account the life’s truths to ...

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