QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Exploring Current Issues of Language Learning in the EFL Context

QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Exploring Current Issues of Language Learning in the EFL Context

Bayu Ariski; dkk

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English is very important because it is a connecting language that will be used throughout the world and the ability to be able and fluent in English is prioritized and prioritized in its learning The factors that can hinder students in speaking and speaking English are anxiety and panic Language anxiety is the most common problem that can affect students speaking performance Language anxiety is a very complex psychological construct that is considered an effective variable in language learning and means that language anxiety becomes one of the factors involved in student success both positively and negatively English is very important because it is a connecting language that will be used throughout the world, and the ability to be able and fluent in English is prioritized and prioritized in its learning. The factors that can hinder students in speaking and speaking English are anxiety and panic. Language anxiety ...

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