Race and Ethnic Relations

Race and Ethnic Relations


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Reflecting the latest data and theoretical literature available RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS AMERICAN AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES 10e tackles diversity issues from both the American and global perspective offering an in depth exploration of today s globally diverse world The text s expansive coverage of race and ethnic relations across the globe highlights major points of difference and similarity between the United States and a number of other societies as well as includes a unique case study comparing four different countries This unique comparative approach is vital with the increasing ethnic diversity in most contemporary societies as well as the prominence of ethnic conflicts in virtually all world regions Current statistics figures maps and citations provide up to the minute insight The Tenth Edition also includes an all new chapter devoted to Arab Americans In addition end of chapter critical thinking questions encourage you to think in a sociological mode and examine current issues using concepts presented in the text Reflecting the latest data and theoretical literature available, RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS: AMERICAN AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES, 10e tackles diversity issues from both the American and global perspective, offering an in-depth exploration of today's globally diverse world. The text's expansive coverage of race and ethnic relations across the globe highlights major points ...

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