Research Strategies for a Digital Age

Research Strategies for a Digital Age


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Practical relevant and reflecting the latest technologies RESEARCH STRATEGIES FOR A DIGITAL AGE 5th Edition provides a thorough step by step guide that helps you develop research skills critical to today s online environment skills that will serve you well for a lifetime This text blends traditional research methods with detailed instruction on how to use and evaluate electronic research technologies The author introduces you to research by beginning in the academic library Using online discovery tools to search in a controlled environment with credible sources helps you to develop and sharpen your research and analytical skills before expanding your search into the vast and sometimes questionable resources of the Web You ll find practical guidance about how to incorporate and document resources skillfully and with academic integrity as well as insightful examples illustrations and tips to help you get the most from today s wealth of online material Practical, relevant, and reflecting the latest technologies, RESEARCH STRATEGIES FOR A DIGITAL AGE, 5th Edition, provides a thorough, step-by-step guide that helps you develop research skills critical to today''s online environment -- skills that will serve you well for a lifetime. This text blends traditional research methods with detailed instruction on ...

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