ascertaining the conclusive answer to a question of terroristic accountability is arguably inadequate and misleading Other factors should be considered to evaluate the terroristic accountability of a particular terrorist attack The absence of a clear and specific definition of terrorism would perhaps include or leave out several acts that are actually terroristic or otherwise out of scope In the end evaluating justice is often a daunting task The last chapter of Part Three analyses the effectiveness of the global coalition to end wildlife trafficking online as part of an effort to diminish illegal wildlife trafficking IWT The wildlife trade proliferates due to technological advances using social media to reach a broader market Anonymity and ease of switching platforms make illegal wildlife trade a challenge in reducing the pace of trade The emergence of The Global Coalition to end Wildlife Trafficking Online in 2018 is one of the global civil society movements that aim to suppress the illegal wildlife trade This article elaborates on the Coalitions effectiveness in relation to the number of wildlife free from the threat of illegal trade The authors suggest that the coalition needs to collaborate with legal authorities to increase this coalitions effectiveness xxii Selected Contemporary Issues on Law Social and Politicsascertaining the conclusive answer to a question of terroristic accountability is arguably inadequate and misleading. Other factors should be considered to evaluate the terroristic accountability of a particular terrorist attack. The absence of a clear and specific definition of terrorism would perhaps include or leave out several acts that are actually ...terroristic or otherwise out of scope. In the end, evaluating justice is often a daunting task. The last chapter of Part Three analyses the effectiveness of the global coalition to end wildlife trafficking online as part of an effort to diminish illegal wildlife trafficking (IWT). The wildlife trade proliferates due to technological advances using social media to reach a broader market. Anonymity and ease of switching platforms make illegal wildlife trade a challenge in reducing the pace of trade. The emergence of The Global Coalition to end Wildlife Trafficking Online in 2018 is one of the global civil society movements that aim to suppress the illegal wildlife trade. This article elaborates on the Coalitions effectiveness in relation to the number of wildlife free from the threat of illegal trade. The authors suggest that the coalition needs to collaborate with legal authorities to increase this coalitions effectiveness. xxii Selected Contemporary Issues on Law, Social, and Politics