Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary

Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary


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Milady s Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary 4th Edition is more than just a dictionary of cosmetic ingredients it is a guide to understanding skin types and skin physiology product formulation and how cosmetic products interact with the skin For ease of use this book is split into three parts Part 1 includes a basic explanation of skin anatomy and physiology including skin types conditions and problems This knowledge is critical for understanding product performance Definitions of common terms used in skin care formulation are also provided Part 2 contains an alphabetical listing of more than 2 300 cosmetic ingredients with accompanying definitions that help identify the function and purpose of each ingredient with Part 3 offering a reference of Botanical Latin names for commonly used ingredients This is an invaluable resource that will assist in making well informed decisions regarding skin care ingredients and cosmetic products Milady’s Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary, 4th Edition is more than just a dictionary of cosmetic ingredients; it is a guide to understanding skin types and skin physiology, product formulation and how cosmetic products interact with the skin. For ease of use, this book is split into three parts. Part ...

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