Socio-economic Condition of Moderately and Mildly Malnourished Children Admitted in Specific Intervention Programs in Nias Island, Indonesia

Socio-economic Condition of Moderately and Mildly Malnourished Children Admitted in Specific Intervention Programs in Nias Island, Indonesia

Eko Nugroho

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In response to the prevalence of malnutrition in Nias Island Community based Management of Acute Malnutrition CMAM which is an outpatient care model has been established to treat moderately and mildly wasted children and prevent them from becoming more severely wasted PURWESTRI 2006 INAYATI 2006 Since 2007 2009 research on Effectiveness of Locally Produced Ready to Use Foods RUF and Micronutrient Powder MNP for in Home Use and or Intensive Nutrition Education for Wasted Children in Nias Indonesia has been carried out to rehabilitate the mildly and moderately wasted children in Nias The concept promoted feeding intervention programs in the form of distribution of a locally produced therapeutic food and or participatory nutrition education sessions In response to the prevalence of malnutrition in Nias Island, Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM), which is an outpatient care model, has been established to treat moderately and mildly wasted children and prevent them from becoming more severely wasted (PURWESTRI 2006; INAYATI 2006). Since 2007-2009, research on “Effectiveness of Locally ...

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