Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching Perspectives

Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching Perspectives


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This book attempts to highlight some important issues on sociolinguistics and relate them to English language teaching practices Therefore it deals with sociolinguistics in language teaching perspectives So is the book written as such since it is intended to give the students of English language pedagogy more insight in their teaching competencies They can integrate the knowledge of sociolinguistics in their lesson plans and thereby enhancing their real teaching practice later on Such an effort however is made since so far as the writer is concerned the knowledge of sociolinguistics has not yet been implemented in language teaching practice or if it has it seems that the implementation is cultural in nature It is of course not wrong to relate culture to teaching profession Language and culture are interwoven as there is no culture without its language manifestation and there is no language without its cultural manifestation Sukarno 2013 This book attempts to highlight some important issues on sociolinguistics and relate them to English language teaching practices. Therefore, it deals with sociolinguistics in language teaching perspectives. So is the book written as such since it is intended to give the students of English language pedagogy more insight in their ...

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