Douglas A Lind; William G Marchal; Samuel A Wathen

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E N H A N C E M E NTS TO STATI STI CA L TE C H N I QU E S I N BUS I N E SS E CO N O M I C S 18 E CHAPTER 1 What Is Statistics Updated graphic on data analytics Updated examples Newly revised Ethics and Statistics section New exercise 17 requiring statistical software Updated exercise 19 CHAPTER 2 Describing Data Frequency Tables Frequency Distributions and Graphic Presentation Updated examples Updated exercises 33 38 47 48 New exercise 44 using extensive data from the pizza industry requiring statistical software CHAPTER 3 Describing Data Numerical Measures Updated exercises 9 10 58 Revised example solution showing the calculation of empirical probability New Principles of Counting example solution based on blood type CHAPTER 6 Discrete Probability Distributions Updated examples New exercises 9 10 17 18 24 25 49 66 67 68 69 Updated exercise 5 7 8 24 58 New example solution using the binomial distribution to predict purchase behavior with debit and credit cards CHAPTER 7 Continuous Probability Distributions New opening page and exercise Updated examples Revised example solution demonstrating the uniform probability distribution Revised example solution showing the calculation of the sample mean For all uniform distribution examples and exercises users are asked to compute the mean and standard deviation Revised example solution showing the calculation of the geometric mean Updated and revised exercise 1 2 5 7 8 11 12 28 Revised example solution showing the calculation of the sample standard deviation Updated Statistics in Action with most recent Major League Baseball data The section of the relative positions of the mean median and mode as well as the concept of skewness have been rewritten with new illustrations Updated exercises 21 23 25 30 31 32 33 34 73 77 82 CHAPTER 4 Describing Data Displaying and Exploring Data Updated examples Revised section on computing quartiles Box plots are generated with Excel with accompanying Connect tutorial Updated exercise 16 with Boston Red Sox salary data Updated Self Review 45 to include data A new section on the correlation coefficient added to the major section Describing the Relationship between Two Variables Exercises 17 18 and 32 provide data and ask the user to produce scatter plots with statistical software New exercise 24 New exercises 15 19 20 35 36 41 43 47 55 61 Added emphasis on defining the probability of a particular value of a continuous random variable to be zero Removed the section The Normal Approximation to the Binomial Using statistical software there is no need for approximations CHAPTER 8 Sampling Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem New chapter title Sampling Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem New section titled Research and Sampling This section now introduces the idea of sampling by discussing the research process i e posing a research question collecting data processing the data and making data based inferences and conclusions The section also discusses ethical guidelines for selecting representative samples from populations Revised Self Review 81 Revised Statistics in Action about biased sampling New section Sample Mean as a Random Variable Revised example solution demonstrating sampling the sample mean as a random variable and the meaning and interpretation of sampling error New section Standard Error of the Mean CHAPTER 5 A Survey of Probability Concepts Updated examples New exercises 90 93 xvi New Exercises 14 15 16 Updated exercises 12 13 18 19 20 21 25 26 31 32 36 E N H A N C E M E NTS TO STATI STI CA L TE C H N I QU E S I N BUS I N E SS & E CO N O M I C S , 18 E CHAPTER 1 What Is Statistics? Updated graphic on data ...

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Koleksi lain dari Douglas A Lind; William G Marchal; Samuel A Wathen

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