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Terapi Personal sebagai Upaya Terobosan dalam Pengobatan Kanker Paru

Laksmi Wulandari

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Deskripsi Buku

Daftar Riset Penulis BAB 4 riset 4 2 Wulandari L Soegiarto G Febriani A Fatmawati F Amran WS 2021 Comparison between VinorelbineCarboplatin and Vinorelbine Cisplatin in Stage III IV EGFR Mutations Negative NSCLC Asian J Oncol 8 15 21 Doi 10 1055 s 0041 1730255 riset 4 3 Wulandari L Febriani A Fatmawati F Soegiarto G 2018 Evaluation of Patients with Lung Cancer Treated with Epidermal Growth Factor ReceptorTyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Asian J Oncol 04 02 048053 Doi 10 1055 s0038 1676872 BAB 5 riset 5 1 Han B Tjulandin S Hagiwara K Normanno N Wulandari L Laktionov K et al 2017 EGFR mutation prevalence in Asia Pacific and Russian patients with advanced NSCLC of adenocarcinoma and non adenocarcinoma histology The IGNITE study Lung Cancer 113 37 44 Doi 10 1016 j lungcan 2017 08 021 riset 5 2 Maranatha RA Wulandari L Soegiarto G 2021 Response Evaluation on Single Common and Uncommon EGFR Mutation on First Generation EGFR TKI Therapy in NSCLC Patients Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine Toxicology 15 1 302308 Doi 10 37506 ijfmt v15i1 13423 BAB 6 xviii riset 6 1 Wulandari L Soegiarto G Febriani A Fatmawati F Sahrun 2020 Comparison of Detection of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor EFGR Gene Mutation in Peripheral Blood Plasma Liquid Biopsy with Cytological Specimens in Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology 12 Suppl 1 65 71 Doi 10 1007 s13193 020 01046 1 Terapi Personal sebagai Upaya Terobosan dalam Pengobatan Kanker ParuDaftar Riset Penulis BAB 4 riset 4.2 Wulandari L, Soegiarto G, Febriani A, Fatmawati F, Amran WS. 2021. Comparison between VinorelbineCarboplatin and Vinorelbine-Cisplatin in Stage III-IV EGFR Mutations-Negative NSCLC. Asian J Oncol, 8:15-21. Doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1730255. riset 4.3 Wulandari L, Febriani A, Fatmawati F, Soegiarto G. 2018. Evaluation of Patients with Lung ...

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