The Call Of The Wild People Of Borneo The Dayaks Lundayeh of the Krayan

The Call Of The Wild People Of Borneo The Dayaks Lundayeh of the Krayan

Jastin A Michael

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This book was published in a long process and story there is a kind of push from within a calling which continues to tickle the author in such a way so that in the end it can become flesh of course this is all by the intervention of the Almighty the author of the true book of life eyewitnesses to the events of Mr Isu s Presswood first arrival on the Sesayap many have passed away there are even some who are still alive but due to old age many are senile so they can no longer remember things I began to collect information related to the historical writings from 2014 to 2023 however I still realized that the information was still lacking thanks be to God through a pen friendship with a retired former Indonesian C MA mission president together living in the USA Rev Jim Kendall and Mrs Sharon his wife provided a link to a pioneer newsletter The Pionner Belonging to C MA Christian And Missionary Alliance from volume 1928 to volume 1995 The Pioneer was written by Dr R A Jaffray and his publishing partner helping the author to put together the accelerated writing of the book What is said passes but what is written lasts forever and so this book immortalizes the long story of the human journey This book was published in a long process and story. there is a kind of push from within, a calling, which continues to tickle the author. in such a way, so that in the end it can “become flesh” of course, this is all by the intervention of the Almighty, the ...

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