The Canterville Ghost

The Canterville Ghost

Oscar Wilde

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Deskripsi Buku

An American family buys an old British home But this home contains more than they expect it is also home to a ghost How do the family deal with the ghost How does the ghost deal with them Find out in this classic tale Translate Sebuah keluarga Amerika membeli rumah tua Inggris Namun rumah ini berisi lebih dari yang mereka duga ini juga rumah bagi hantu Bagaimana cara keluarga menghadapi hantu tersebut Bagaimana hantu itu menghadapinya Cari tahu dalam kisah klasik ini An American family buys an old British home. But this home contains more than they expect—it is also home to a ghost! How do the family deal with the ghost? How does the ghost deal with them? Find out in this classic tale. Translate: (Sebuah keluarga Amerika membeli rumah tua Inggris. Namun ...

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