This book culminated in years of passion for improving critical reading skills The authors then developed Critical Reading Learning with Collaborative Virtual Learning Model CVIOLIN CVIOLIN was specifically designed to help students especially those in the English Language Education program face the flood of information in the modern era In the sea of available information the ability to critically analyze and evaluate information became increasingly important CVIOLIN also emphasizes a learning philosophy that focuses on collaboration interactivity and critical reflection This book culminated in years of passion for improving critical reading skills. The authors then developed Critical Reading Learning with Collaborative Virtual Learning Model (CVIOLIN). CVIOLIN was specifically designed to help students, especially those in the English Language Education program, face the flood of information in the modern era. In the ...sea of available information, the ability to critically analyze and evaluate information became increasingly important. CVIOLIN also emphasizes a learning philosophy that focuses on collaboration, interactivity, and critical reflection.