The girl with the wings

The girl with the wings

Ivana Christela Simamora

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After her friends left Heather started studying because there was an exam coming up and then she suddenly felt unwell Heather told her mom and her mom called the principal that Heather wasn t feeling well and Heather wouldn t go to school for a few days At night Heather had some trouble sleeping because she was bothered by the humps It was the next day Heather woke up and was getting ready to go to school When she walked to school and everybody stared at her Heather tried to cover up the wings by using a jacket But still everybody stared at her When she finally arrived at her class she told her friends about everything and hope that they could still be friends Don t worry about it we will help you to find a way to control your wings Heather was happy that her friends were supportive She said that they could come to her house after school When the teacher came in they stopped their discussion and went to their seats After her friends left, Heather started studying because there was an exam coming up, and then she suddenly felt unwell. Heather told her mom and her mom called the principal that Heather wasn’t feeling well and Heather wouldn’t go to school for a few days. At night Heather had some trouble ...

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