THE PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT: Embarking on the Sacred Journey of Lifelong Learning and Personal Development through Pesantren Values in Indonesia

THE PATH OF ENLIGHTENMENT: Embarking on the Sacred Journey of Lifelong Learning and Personal Development through Pesantren Values in Indonesia

Kurniawan Arif Maspul

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This book explores the Islamic concept of lifelong learning and personal development focusing on the values and teachings of the Pesantren system in Indonesia Islam encourages its followers to seek knowledge and continuously improve themselves throughout their lives and the Pesantren system has been instrumental in instilling these values in Indonesian society This book explores the Islamic concept of lifelong learning and personal development, focusing on the values and teachings of the Pesantren system in Indonesia. Islam encourages its followers to seek knowledge and continuously improve themselves throughout their lives, and the Pesantren system has been instrumental in instilling these values in Indonesian ...

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