The Railway Children

The Railway Children

Edith Nesbitt

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Deskripsi Buku

A family gets bad news and faces hard times They move to a new home next to a railway station The railway station and its people become a part of the family s life The children help people that they meet through the railway station In the end the people there even help the family overcome their misfortune Translate Sebuah keluarga mendapat kabar buruk dan menghadapi masa masa sulit Mereka pindah ke rumah baru di sebelah stasiun kereta api Stasiun kereta api dan masyarakatnya menjadi bagian dari kehidupan keluarga Anak anak membantu orang yang mereka temui di stasiun kereta api Pada akhirnya orang orang di sana malah membantu keluarga tersebut mengatasi kemalangan mereka A family gets bad news and faces hard times. They move to a new home next to a railway station. The railway station and its people become a part of the family’s life. The children help people that they meet through the railway station. In the end, the people there even ...

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