The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

Hans Christian Andersen

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Deskripsi Buku

A mother duck has many babies One of the babies is an ugly duckling The ugly duckling s brothers and sister do not like it This makes the ugly duckling sad He leaves home to find a place to be happy But where is that place Translate Seekor induk bebek mempunyai banyak bayi Salah satu bayinya adalah itik jelek Kakak dan adik itik buruk rupa tidak menyukainya Hal ini membuat itik jelek itu sedih Dia meninggalkan rumah untuk mencari tempat untuk bahagia Tapi dimanakah tempat itu A mother duck has many babies. One of the babies is an ugly duckling. The ugly duckling’s brothers and sister do not like it. This makes the ugly duckling sad. He leaves home to find a place to be happy. But where is that place? Translate: (Seekor induk bebek mempunyai banyak bayi. ...

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