Theories in Stories : Writing Research Review in English Language Teaching

Theories in Stories : Writing Research Review in English Language Teaching

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Readers of Theories in Stories may be trapped in a confusion while reading it Given the first person point of view the book looks a diary However when grasping the highlight of every chapter it made clear that the content is a philosophical assertion followed by a summary of the main ideas and ended with follow up activities In this regard the authors applied theories his ideas that can be theoretical hypothesis Furthermore since the rhetorical flow only recounts the events without passing judgment readers may become perplexed when delving deeper into the true story in the classroom It does resemble a narrative genre more Upon carefully reading a certain chapter it became evident that the book was the outcome of a student who was an observant in a class for a whole semester It s interesting to think that the writer may describe the circumstances and record the recollections in a book for release Thus readers might comprehend the author s meaning Should you have time you will be guaranteed of loosing uniqueness and novelty since the book is neither a science nor a fiction The book is the book of grinding theories and presenting in a narrative story Readers of “Theories in Stories” may be trapped in a confusion while reading it. Given the first-person point of view, the book looks a diary. However, when grasping the “highlight” of every chapter it made clear that the content is a philosophical assertion followed by a summary of the main ideas ...

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