They Are Here

They Are Here

Purwanti Kusumaningtyas; dkk

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The book entitled They Are Here is written by Purwanti Kusumaningtyas et al Everybody has their hidden parts that often shock their fellow humans The portrayal of tiny yet striking moments in the stories may provide portrayals of the unimaginable human experiences The children adolescents women and people of different religious or traditional ways of lives in Indonesia may have struggled to live properly The stories attempt to magnify their experiences with their psychological struggles or sociocultural disputes with the least understanding environment They are real and here around us The book entitled They Are Here is written by Purwanti Kusumaningtyas, ... [et al.]. Everybody has their hidden parts that often shock their fellow humans. The portrayal of tiny-yet-striking moments in the stories may provide portrayals of the unimaginable human experiences. The children, adolescents, women, and people of different religious or traditional ...

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