Three-Phase of Oil Reservoirs with Mass Fraction Formulation

Three-Phase of Oil Reservoirs with Mass Fraction Formulation

Duarte da Costa Sarmento; dkk

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Numerical simulation of oil reservoirs is an indispensable tool for monitoring new oil fields as well as managing mature reservoirs Depending on the types of fluids resident in the reservoir different models can be applied In principle recovery techniques are divided into three basic categories primary recovery techniques secondary recovery techniques and tertiary recovery techniques Each of these techniques originates from a set of differential equations that can predict the reservoir s production over time These sets of equations generally do not have an analytical solution due to the non linear and coupled characteristics of the equations Therefore a numerical tool must be used to predict reservoir production In what follows the main recovery techniques and the finite volume technique that will be used in this work are described Most commercial and academic simulators used and still use cartesian meshes because they are easy to make make it easy to get flows and create a linear system with a known bandwidth However the use of this type of mesh presents some problems Notably when mapping the irregular boundaries of the reservoir and representing geological faults and fractures which as they generally have irregular shapes make it difficult to correctly discretize these characteristics of the reservoir using this type of mesh The main thing this work adds is a new way to solve a three phase multicomponent problem that involves simulating the first and second stages of recovery after adding water or gas using the black oil model with mass fractions and generalized three dimensional coordinates This book will use the finite volume technique along with three dimensional generalized coordinates that are not orthogonal and a fully implicit linearization technique to solve the resulting equations Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa pembahasan diantaranya Chapter 1 Black Oil Model In Oil Reservoirs In Mass Fraction And Pressures Chapter 2 Physical Properties Of Reservoirs And Fluids Chapter 3 Mathematical Model Chapter 4 Transformation Of Equations And Obtaining Approximate Equations Chapter 5 Well Model And Conditions Chapter 6 Oil Water Flow With Black SimulatorNumerical simulation of oil reservoirs is an indispensable tool for monitoring new oil fields as well as managing mature reservoirs. Depending on the types of fluids resident in the reservoir, different models can be applied. In principle, recovery techniques are divided into three basic categories: primary recovery techniques, secondary recovery techniques, ...

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