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Edward Zrudlo

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Deskripsi Buku

Taking a break from helping to save sea turtles on Parismina Island Mr Petrey and his students are paddling canoes through the canal system of Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica Thanks to their guide Juan Luis the students are able to see the national park is teeming with wildlife Translate Rehat sejenak dari membantu penyelamatan penyu di Pulau Parismina Pak Petrey dan murid muridnya sedang mendayung kano melalui sistem kanal Taman Nasional Tortuguero di Kosta Rika Berkat pemandu mereka Juan Luis para siswa dapat melihat taman nasional yang penuh dengan satwa liar "Taking a break from helping to save sea turtles on Parismina Island, Mr. Petrey and his students are paddling canoes through the canal system of Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. Thanks to their guide, Juan Luis, the students are able to see the national park is teeming with wildlife. Translate: (Rehat ...

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